2017 Community Issues RFP Now Available – Applications Due August 16, 2017

As the foundation has for more than 35 years, Horizons Foundation will be privileged to support important work in the San Francisco Bay Area LGBTQ community through the 2017 Community Issues grants process.
The proposal deadline submission is August 16, 2017.
Update to Instructions for Community Issues 2017
We wanted to alert you to a small printing glitch in a block of text fields for the Demographic Summary – Form 1c. For the Ages field in columns A) Board and B) Staff – the numbers you input are not showing when you print the form. Please read below on how to handle this situation.
- Keep on using the Community Issues file you already downloaded from the Horizons website and saved on your drive
- Do enter the information in all the text fields so we can extract the data from the PDF file you will email to [email protected]
- When you print your completed application, if the information in the Ages field for columns A) and B) for Form 1c did not print, please go ahead and write them in by hand
- Make the required number of copies needed to submit your application.
- Please adhere to our submission deadlines
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us so we can assist with in any glitch you may be having. If you already submitted your application, no need to take any further action at this time.
Horizons has a two part application submission process – an electronic submission along with the required paper copies of your application. Please note the submission deadlines in order to have your application considered for funding.
- The deadline for the electronic application submission is Wednesday, August 16, 2017 by 5 PM. Email your application to [email protected].
- The deadline for paper copies of the application is Wednesday, August 16, 2017 (Postmarked or delivered by 5 PM).
We look forward to receiving your proposal and hearing about your work and your goals. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Horizons’ staff. You may contact Nora Alcala, at [email protected] Nikole Pagan at [email protected] or Francisco Buchting at [email protected]. Also feel free to call us at 415-398-2333 to speak to us by phone.