Posts by Horizons Foundation

Remembering Activist Carmen Vázquez

We have just learned the news of the passing of Carmen Vázquez, a longtime activist for the LGBTQ community and social justice. We are deeply saddened by this heartbreaking loss

Giving To Our Chosen Families With Abundance

Erin Flynn and Chloe Atkins make supporting their chosen family a philanthropic priority. “We want to leave a legacy to our nieces and nephews but, just as important, we want

Video: Virtual Briefing on Horizons’ COVID-19 Fund and Impact

Horizons held a virtual briefing about our response to the pandemic, with a focus on Horizons' LGBTQ COVID-19 Response Emergency Fund. After our second round of funding, Horizons has awarded $641,500

Listen: 10th Annual State of the LGBTQ Movement

This week, leaders from Outright Action International, Transgender Law Center, Freedom for All Americans, and Southern Border Communities Coalition shared our movement’s advances and challenges in a panel moderated by

Looking Back on the 2019 Horizons Gala

On Saturday, October 5, Horizons supporters gathered at the Fairmont for an incredible evening in support of the foundation's work creating a world where all LGBTQ people live freely and

How Randy and Harrison Are Helping the SF Bay Area LGBTQ Community Prepare for What’s Ahead

After surviving the AIDS epidemic, Horizons legacy donor Randy Shields wants to ensure that our community has the resources to face the future, whatever it might hold.

How Drag Queens and LGBTQ Art Sustain Us

Donors Ron Wong and Mike Tekulsky discuss the importance of the arts for the Bay Area LGBTQ community.

How These Queer and Trans API Activists Are Keeping Their Community Safe

API Equality - Northern California, a Horizons grantee partner, trains volunteers to keep their community safe at major events.