What Can’t Be Taken Away

Regardless of who threw that first brick, it is impossible to tell the Stonewall story without trans people. You just can’t do it. And without history, no community can really


Leaning Into a Cold Wind

As I left the house this morning in the pre-dawn darkness, a cold wind blew down the street. It made me pull my jacket closer, stick my hands in my


This Pride Month, Remember Your First Time

As many years as I’ve lived here, I still love seeing the Pride flags marching down Market Street in San Francisco. Beautiful in the ever-blowing wind, they turn the city’s


Introducing Horizons’ Chief Philanthropy Officer, Tracy Evans

I am delighted to announce that Tracy Evans has joined Horizons Foundation as Chief Philanthropy Officer. As CPO, she'll lead the foundation's fund development, philanthropic services, and legacy giving work. Tracy


The Biggest Anchor of All

As 2023 draws toward a close, I find myself thinking about anchors. Not actual toss-into-the-sea anchors, but the metaphorical kind – anchors which can hold us fast.What a yearThis hasn’t


Securing Our LGBTQ Community – Forever

Join the many others who have already secured their planned gift. Create a free will with our partner, FreeWill.


Pride With a Capital “P”

A couple of weeks ago, I came up from BART in downtown San Francisco and there they were: the rainbow flags that line Market Street every year, flying from the


Why Give OUT Day Is Critical This Year

This year, with over 500 anti-LGBTQ bills proposed in state legislatures, Give OUT Day is especially critical.
