Posts by Roger Doughty

Resilience and Rebuilding: The Bay Area LGBTQ Future After COVID

Our panelists, from left to right: Kiku Johnson, Aria Sa'id, Olga Talamante (moderator), and Lance Toma. Horizons was honored to host Resilience and Rebuilding: The Bay Area LGBTQ Future After

No Room for Hate

Logo of Stop AAPI Hate, a reporting center launched by the Asian Pacific Planning and Policy Council, Chinese for Affirmative Action, and the Asian American Studies Department of San Francisco

Black LGBTQ History: Honor, Commitment, Future

Photo by Jake Vanaman.   As Black History Month draws toward a close, we know that this doesn’t mean it’s time to stop honoring and learning from Black history – and

Announcing Horizons’ Chief Philanthropy Officer

I am delighted to share with you that Candace Lopez has joined Horizons Foundation as Chief Philanthropy Officer. In this role, she’ll lead the foundation’s fund development, philanthropic services, and

Between Darkness and Hope

We find ourselves in this country at a profound moment in between – between last week’s chaos and next week’s promise. Between a second impeachment and whatever comes next. Between

Why Everything You Do Counts

Today, it appears that the country has ousted a president poisonous to our community, to the nation, the world, and any reasonable concept of decency. It’s a day that many

Even As We Wait, We Are Powerful

And so we wait. As a handful of states continue counting ballots, with results likely to be challenged, you may well share my sense of disappointment and anxiety. Disappointment that

Horizons Endorses Propositions 15, 16, and 17

In the upcoming election the stakes could not be higher. Though you likely need little encouragement, I join all Horizons’ board and staff in strongly urging you to vote in