Give OUT Day – Registration is Open!

We are thrilled to announce that registration for Give OUT Day 2016 is now open, complete with a new date, a new look, and new tools! To participate in this unique national day of giving for the LGBTQ community on August 2, 2016, you must register by July 15, 2016.
We warmly invites all eligible nonprofits serving and advocating for LGBTQ people to take part! Please see the simple steps below required to join hundreds of organizations and thousands of donors on August 2.
For your organization to participate, please first check the Rules & Eligibility criteria to make sure you qualify. Please also review the Nonprofit FAQs.
All organizations must also register for the event. Registration isn’t difficult – we’ve tried hard to make it easy – but it’s still required. Please just follow the instructions for the category that describes your organization:
- If you participated in 2015: Unless you closed your Click & Pledge account, you do NOT need to apply again. Simply follow the steps for returning 2015 Give OUT Day participants on the registration page and you’re good to go. (Please note that Horizons Foundation will be re-setting the donation counter on June 22, 2016 so that only donations scheduled for or made on August 2,, 2016 will be tallied on your organization’s Click & Pledge page for Give OUT Day 2016. Previous donations don’t disappear – they just won’t be part of the current year’s total.)
- If you did not participate in 2015 but have already registered for 2016: Please let us know that you still plan to participate by sending us a simple email and filling out this Participant Survey. The survey takes less than five minutes to complete and is required to be registered for Leaderboard Prizes.
- If you did not participate in 2015 and have not yet registered in 2016: Please follow Instructions for New Registrants by clicking Register Now.
If you have any questions, please contact Nikole Pagan at [email protected] or 415-660-2213.
We are looking forward to working with you and your organization to make Give OUT Day 2016 a success.