Our Tomorrow

What’s tomorrow going to look like for LGBT people? What do you want it to look like? What worries you about our future? What’s your biggest hope?
Make your voice heard! Horizons is proud to join in an unprecedented national project called “Our Tomorrow,” which provides an opportunity for LGBT people from around the country to become part of a national community conversation about our future. Check it out »
We all know that, as a movement and as a community, we’re at a thrilling moment. Most of us also know that even if the Supreme Court rules in our favor next month, many LGBT people will still be at significant risk of discrimination and violence in all their forms. As we look toward the future, what should we focus on? What matters most?
The whole idea behind Our Tomorrow is to hear what people from every part of our gloriously diverse community think is important to their lives and the lives of those they love. Horizons has been involved with this exciting project since its origins more than a year ago Now, more than 100 national, state, and local organizations are participating – with Horizons proud to be among them.
Check out the thousands of hopes, fears, and ideas that LGBT people have already posted at www.shareourtomorrow.org – and then add your own. After all, the future belongs to all of us.