The LGBT Asylum Project

Our mission is to empower and advocate for LGBTQIA+ immigrants, ensuring their safety, well-being, and celebrating social belonging, while uplifting TGNCI+ identities, to belong in the United States of America

The Sundance Association for Country-Western Dancing

The Sundance Association for Country-Western Dancing provides education in and programs for country-western dancing for the LGBT+ community. As an all-volunteer and community-supported nonprofit organization, the Sundance Association fosters individual

Dem Bois Inc.

Dem Bois Inc.’s mission is to provide charitable economic aid for female to male, FTM, trans-masculine-identified person(s) of color to obtain chest reconstruction surgery, and/or genital reassignment surgery (gender-affirming surgery)

PFLAG Clayton-Concord

Our chapter mission is to create a caring, just and affirming world for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them through support, education, and advocacy.

Out & About Bookshop

Out & About Bookshop is a mobile children’s bookstore that connects children and families in the San Francisco Bay Area with LGBTQ+ stories. We provide enrichment through storytimes, family meetups,

Health Initiatives for Youth

HIFY’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of underserved young people through innovative youth leadership, popular education, and advocacy in the pursuit of multi-level social change.

San Francisco Pride

The mission of the San Francisco Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Pride Celebration Committee is to educate the world, commemorate our heritage, celebrate our culture, and liberate our people. San Francisco

Castro Country Club

The Castro Country Club is a safe and sober community center for all people and a refuge for the LGBTQ recovery community. We provide programs and services that help people