Our Space

Side by Side’s Our Space program serves LGBTQIA+ youth ages 13-24 and provides the youth and their parents/caregivers with community and school-based advocacy and support groups. Workshops for educators and


Face to Face/Sonoma Count AIDS Network

Face to Face connects our Sonoma County community to the practical care and support that honors dignity for all. At Face to Face, showing up for our community is one


Castro Country Club

The Castro Country Club is a safe and sober community center for all people and a refuge for the LGBTQ recovery community. We provide programs and services that help people


Miss Major Alexander L. Lee TGIJP Black Trans Cultural Center

Miss Major Alexander L. Lee TGIJP Black Trans Cultural Center is a group of transgender, gender-variant and intersex people, inside and outside of prisons, jails, and detention centers, creating a


Queer LifeSpace

Founded in 2011, Queer LifeSpace (QLS) is an award-winning nonprofit counseling agency that provides affordable, evidence-based mental health and substance abuse services to the LGBTQIA+ community in the Bay Area.


Lavender Phoenix

Lavender Phoenix (formerly known as APIENC) builds transgender, non-binary, and queer Asian and Pacific Islander power to heal and transform our communities. Through organizing in the Bay Area, we inspire


San Francisco AIDS Foundation

San Francisco AIDS Foundation envisions a future where health justice is achieved for all people living with or at risk for HIV. Ultimately, we strive for a day when: race


East Bay Sanctuary Covenant – OLAS LGBTQ+ Sanctuary Program

Since 2004, the EBSC-OLAS LGBTQ+ Asylum Program has promoted community connections for Latinx LGBTQ+ refugees and asylum seekers in the Bay Area by facilitating free, culturally relevant, and supportive experiences
