The View from Horizons

We all know that the world is fairly bursting with blogs, and has been for a while. So why is Horizons Foundation starting one now?
Several reasons. First, it offers a simple way to communicate with Horizons’ donors, grantees, funders, and allies – all of our most important constituencies. A blog also offers a way to share some thoughts with you that won’t overwhelm your inbox (whether online or snail-mail).
Another reason for the blog is that Horizons sits in a unique position. Because our very charter calls for working with and supporting the full range of our resplendently diverse community – diverse by geography, race, gender, issue, class to name a few types – we try to take a broad view of the issues we face. That sometimes allows us to have some knowledge or analysis that’s worth sharing.
Finally, 2012 promises to be a vitally important year for our community. It will be jam-packed, as they tend to be in historic times like those we live in. A ruling in the Perry challenge to Prop 8. Continued challenges facing nonprofit organizations. The Presidential (and other) elections. A blog makes it possible to be in touch about such developments in a way that’s efficient and simple (and doesn’t use our donors’ dollars).
So what will this blog be? You can expect to see a new entry every few weeks. Mostly, it’ll be about current issues or questions facing the LGBT movement and/or the Bay Area community. Occasionally, I may share some less-visible project or issue that Horizons is working on. From time to time, there will be guest contributors. And sometimes it may be something else entirely.
So pull up a chair and take a look around. I hope you enjoy this window into Horizons’ work – and I hope that your new year is off to a wonderful beginning.