Gifts That Cost Nothing Now

Please consider a gift in your will or trust, or by beneficiary designation – all of which cost you nothing now. You can change your gift at any time and for any reason, while the impact you have will go on for years to come.

Please let us know if you’ve included Horizons in your estate plan. Providing us with documentation ensures that we have the information we need to carry out your wishes.

  • Gifts in a Will
  • Gifts by Beneficiary Designation
Gifts through your

A gift in your will or trust is one of the easiest, most flexible, and most popular ways to create a world where all LGBTQ people live freely and fully. It takes just a few sentences in your will to set up a gift, and it can be changed easily at any time. This gift can include cash, securities, real estate, and other assets.


  • A general gift in your will leaves a gift of a stated sum of money in your will or living trust, typically in the form of personal property or assets.
  • A residual gift in your will leaves Horizons the remainder of your estate after other bequests, debts, and taxes have been fulfilled.
  • A specific gift in your will leaves Horizons a specific dollar amount or stated fraction of your estate or a specified item (collections, art, books, jewelry, and so on.)
  • A contingent gift in your will leaves Horizons a stated share of your estate only if a spouse, family member or other beneficiary does not survive you.

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Let us know about your legacy gift.

By notifying us about your future legacy gift, you become part of the Horizons community as a member of our Legacy Circle. We're then able to recognize your commitment to our community's future when we honor the 400+ Legacy Circle members in our annual report. You also can become an inspiration to others to make their commitments — every additional Legacy Circle member is an example to other LGBTQ people and our allies.

Horizons will always keep confidential any specific information about your intentions and will always respect any donor's wishes to remain anonymous to the public.

Questions? Want to set up a time to talk?

This information is not intended as legal, accounting, or other professional advice. For assistance in charitable giving, always engage the services of a qualified professional.